
 **第1室(教育学部 B棟 22番教室) [#w90d6865]
 ***発表1:発表者:松岡博信(安田女子大学)、榎田一路(広島大学)、橘野実子(安田女子短期大学) [#ue2ccc5b]
 ***発表2:発表者:Judith Runnels(広島文教女子大学、Bunkyo English Communication Center) [#s5bfea18]
  Fairer Assessment: How to Start Making a Speaking Test
  (もっと公平な評価: スピーキングテストの作り方)
 -Most of the literature on speaking assessment focuses on proficiency tests, i.e. what a speaker’s existing language ability is and how that reflects their underlying knowledge of language, often used for the purposes of placement.  In the field of education however, testing should reflect what the students have learned in class, and work on achievement tests, is unfortunately, seriously lacking.  Achievement tests aim to give students the opportunity to demonstrate how well they can use language they were previously exposed to and practiced
 using in the classroom, and not (simply), how good their English is. Designing a fair speaking test, however, is no easy task: speaking tests are notoriously complicated because of the many factors that can influence one’s impression of another’s proficiency in a language and designing them is not usually included in teacher training courses. Given that speaking tests usually make up a percentage of the students’ final grades, they should not be overlooked.  That being said, designing a test can be a daunting or task for teachers who have
 no knowledge or interest, as the literature on it can be overwhelming.
 -This presentation discusses some of the preliminary steps that can be taken for teachers who have little or no experience in test development and for those that are interested in making their tests more representative of the curriculum, or in other words, a fairer assessment.  Prompt development and different testing and rating styles are commented on.
 ***発表3:発表者:Gary Cook and Erica Sponberg(広島文教女子大学、Bunkyo English Communication Center) [#hfe98c5d]
  Vocabulary Test for Dummies: Starting from Scratch
 -At the Bunkyo English Communication Center (BECC), all materials are designed in house, including our testing procedures. Over the last year, our colleagues revised our vocabulary study lists for Freshman and Sophomore English to better represent the words used in the BECC curriculum. New vocabulary lists means, new tests. What to do? Where to start? In this presentation, we will talk about the process we went through to design, from scratch, an engaging computer-based vocabulary test. We are looking forward to share our process to all language
 teachers and create a dialogue about creative vocabulary testing. 
 **第2室(教育学部 B棟 23番教室) † [#w588428a]
 ***発表1:発表者:尊田 望 (山口大学非常勤) [#a43797b7]
  Semiotic Functions of English in Japanese College Students' Daily Life 
 -〔背景〕今日の日本において、英語は単に学校で学習する外国語の機能領域を超えている (Stanlaw, 2004; Seargeant, 2009)。それは、日本の回りを取り巻く世界を象徴し、外国と外国人を日本に関連付けるものである(Yashima,2002)。たとえば、英語は日本のポピュラーソングに多く使われており、大胆さ・象徴性・芸術性・異国情緒・現代性・自由・斬新さ・創造性などを伝える(Stanlaw, 2004, pp. 101-126; Seargeant, 2009, pp. 106-131)。しかし、この種の機能は、応用言語学では周辺的な領域としてしか見なされず、「無視された言語学的残余部分」(a disregarded linguistic residue)(Seargeant, 2009, p. 144)とさえ呼ばれることがある。
 ***発表2:発表者:田淵博文(就実大学・就実短期大学) [#h7a1f157]
  ロアルド・ダールの短編“The Hitchhiker”における言語表現とユーモアについて
  (On the Study of Linguistic Expressions and Humour in Roald Dahl's“The Hitchhiker”)
 ***発表3: 発表者:高垣俊之(尾道大学) [#leae3258]
 -そもそも留学とは何であろうか。そして、外国語を習得するとはどういう意味であるのか。それぞれの問いに答えることは必ずしも容易ではなく、したがって、留学と外国語習得の関係を詳らかにすることはなお一層難しいといえよう。興味深いことに、留学と言語習得の関連性を扱っていると思われる主要な英語教育学事典や応用言語学事典を調べても「留学(study abroad)」という項目は見当たらない。

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